
Zohaib Khan

Senior Software Engineer

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About Me

Welcome to my page. I'm Zohaib, a Senior Software Engineer who is passionate about crafting high-performance, scalable applications. Specialising in Java, Spring Boot, AWS, and modern DevOps practices. I enjoy leading projects that enhance operational efficiency and deliver significant business value. My enthusiasm for technology drives me to solve complex problems and continuously seek opportunities for learning and growth. I thrive in dynamic environments and am dedicated to leveraging my skills to create innovative solutions that make a real impact.



Identity team (Contract)

  • Working as part of the Identity team, to reduce complexity of legacy systems
  • Simplified Authz & Authn mechanisms for downstream services by centralising them into a client-facing API using Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Secured internal API calls by developing a JWT signing and verification mechanism with JWK rotation functionality which abstract complexity from the end user
  • Completed a migration project to transition service secrets from property files to managed, distributed Vault instances
  • Provided in-house support, including incident management and resolution
  • Using Java 17, Scala. Bash, K8s, Spring Boot, Spring cloud gateway, Vault, Gradle, Swagger


Hub team

  • Working as part of the Hub team, the project is to consolidate all Matillion products and users under a common application and authentication layer using Auth0
  • Led the design & implementation of AWS Lambdas in Go, which persists of most of the Hub architecture today with infinite scalability in mind
  • Introduced support for multiple accounts in legacy applications as we move towards support for larger enterprises
  • Integrated support for partners i.e. Snowflake to allow new Matillion accounts to spin a brand-new instance with a single click
  • Implemented invitation creation for users to allow them to invite new members into an account
  • Led the implementation of Pact contract testing into our stack, enhancing API robustness
  • Introduced best team working practices such as pairing and mobbing fully remotely
  • Delivered several company-wide workshops on the use of Datadog to improve our current metrics, Contract testing & Hexagonal design
  • Using Golang, Java, React, Vue.js, Pact, AWS, Docker, DynamoDB, MySQL, ECS, Swagger, Auth0, Scrum


Extinguish team

  • Successfully delivered insurance/energy renewal email service which is responsible for 30% of company revenue (approximately £120m) per annum
  • Led the utilization of native AWS into our ecosystem, and performed a company-wide presentation with 100+ employees about Serverless & its uses in our current stack
  • Developed a Spring boot K8s ETL service that allowed for the migration of MSSQL to PostgreSQL, utilised by a new back-office tool to maintain energy tariffs, as well as a downstream app to index new changes to Elasticsearch for the frontend
  • Developed a Spring boot K8s microservice to bulk index RDS PostgreSQL JSON entries to Elasticsearch using Hibernate, Flyway & Testcontainers
  • Developed a Java AWS Serverless pattern using Quarkus & SAM, secured with VPC & IAM
  • Designed a serverless front end pattern using S3, AWS lambda and Okta for security. As well as integrating it with Okta for authentication
  • Heavily involved in investigating the AWS and Spring Boot SDKs to integrate a custom multithreaded SQS producer-consumer implementation for our three main channels (Motor insurance, Home insurance and Energy)
  • Increased throughput by 100% (150 rps to 300 rps, bottle-necked by external services) via a multithreaded & Kubernetes multi-replica solution as well as HTTP client configuration. Service was capable of publishing at a rate of 5000 SQS messages per second and consuming at 3000 SQS messages per second
  • Founded the Programming Guild, where members would regularly share coding best practices as well as host workshops company-wide
  • Hosted a "Zero to Production" workshop with ~30 attendees where I helped people develop, test & deploy an AWS Lambda with API Gateway into a production environment
  • Using Java 11, Spring Boot, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, JMS, RDBMS, Hibernate


Oxygen team

  • As part of the energy team, I work on the final part of the user journey when our service switches their energy provider for them without leaving the site
  • Using Java 8, Spring, Docker, AWS, JS, JUnit, Mockito, GitHub/Bitbucket & IntelliJ in an agile environment

The Hut Group

Voyager team

  • Developing on a large scale custom-built Java & Spring web application that runs the warehouse, from front end for administrators to the back end for better stock allocation
  • Delivered a new workflow that allowed goods-to-man picking of products, freeing up a large portion of the warehouse floor as well as reducing staff requirements in the dozens
  • Improved performance of bottlenecks using data structures and algorithms knowledge
  • Created dashboards using Appdynamics for better visualisation for product owners
  • Other tasks include deploying releases, regular on-call as well as live instance debugging
  • Using Java 8, Spring, JUnit, Mockito, Linux, JIRA, GitHub & IntelliJ in a Scrum environment


University of Manchester

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science 2:1

Loreto College

A-levels: Maths A* Spanish A Further Maths B Physics B



Blog Website containerisation project

  • Created WordPress blog with docker-compose utilizing automated SSL certificate renewal services backed with NGINX
  • Migrated personal website to use docker containers to make deployments and dependency management easier

Personal website project (You are here!)

  • Cloned an existing project to Gitlab repository to make use of continuous integration and learn about deployment architecture as well as server maintenance
  • Created a pipeline using a yml script that is executed whenever the master branch is updated via a docker instance which securely connects to my web server at home and deploys new updates
University of Manchester logo

Bookshelf Spine Reader (Computer Vision) - Grade 71%

  • Text recognition program for reading spine text of books across a bookshelf for visually impaired users using several Computer Vision techniques (Matlab)
  • Wrote 6000 word report covering approach, implementation & testing/reflection

Udacity Android Fundamentals Nanodegree by Google

  • Made 5+ Android applications (see GitHub) as part of the course. Amongst other things I learned the basics of Android, SQLite, creating CRUD apps, threading and interacting with HTTP services/APIs such as the Google Books RESTful API
  • Final project was an inventory management app to track item sales, product images & email suppliers
